Friday, November 24, 2006


Wednesday 11/22/06 Day 5

I am getting very tired of this breakfast. It is the same thing, over and over again. I am guessing that we will have the same thing tomorrow. For some reason, it is different from eating cereal every morning. I don’t have an explanation, except that maybe Honey Nut Cheerios are simpler and (of course) less healthy than fresh fruit and bread, although I’m no nutritionist.

After I ate breakfast, the Internet was still down so I could not post yesterday’s blog. We had Elio call an Internet repair guy. Elio said that a guy would come to look at our problem around 10 o’clock.


10:00 - Él esta tarde.

10:30 - Nada

11:00 – “ ”

12:00 – Donde esta el hombre de Red?

12:30 – We left the house to go to a restaurant called Any’s Tamales. There they served (obviously) tamales, along with other Mexican food (ex. tacitos, quesadillas). We ate lunch and then took a taxi back to the house.

I have noticed something. Every time we go somewhere in a taxi, I sit in the middle, back seat. For some reason I get the seat with no seatbelt and, because I am tall, I must block the driver’s view of what is behind him. Not that the Mexican cab drivers care what’s behind them. The ones I’ve ridden with don’t seem to care what’s around or in front of them either. They just pass on either side of cars as if the streets were racetracks. I have not seen many traffic lights in Zihua. In fact, now that I think of it, the only one I’ve seen was that one in the airport. Sometimes I wince as a taxi I’m in speeds through an intersection and I see moving cars on either side of me. However, Mexican drivers must be used to that sort of thing seeing as nobody had crashed into, or so much as honked a horn at us (yet).

2:00 – Nothing special. That Internet guy still hasn’t come.

3:00 – My brother and I got into the pool. We did not do much. What is there to do in a tiny pool with nobody except your sibling (who we will pretend you are slightly annoyed with at this moment)?

After I got out of the pool I read my book. I read a lot. I read for at least several hours. I lost track of the time. I was reading a very good book called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. It is something of a Harry Potter for adults (or so it was described to me by several sources).

My reading was interrupted by dinner. Dinner was nothing special tonight. Everyone else was going out to some restaurant with some Americans who happened to be around. Meeting someone new and becoming acquainted with them, all the time knowing that you will never see them again and really should not care about their trip or their cat or whatever they want to tell you about was not a very appealing adventure to my brother and I. For this reason we stayed at the house and had macaroni and cheese. My brother and I spent the dinner discussing various ways to combine the words macaroni and cheese to make a new name for the dish. We came up with maceese, meese, chacaroni, and other ridiculous sounding things (All of this was an attempt to occupy our time.)

After our dinner of weird words I returned to my reading. I was overjoyed when I finished my book. This achievement elevated me to the only member of the “I Finished Reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell Club.” It would surprise my readers if they found out how many people have attempted to read that book. One person on that list is my Algebra II teacher, Mr. Hudson, who read the first 600 pages and put it down because of its boringness. Also, several students have also approached me to tell me that they attempted the read, but failed. These attempts have included listening to it on tape, having it read to them, and reading it plainly (although this person was only able to get to page 10 before stopping.) Some may think “Wow! He must be an excellent reader to be able to get through a book such as that!” Other, more observant people may think “What a fool. If so many people found it so boring, why did he endure through those long pages instead of finding something else to read which he enjoyed.” I’m not sure whether I consider myself a determined reader or a determined fool, but I prefer if people call me the first.

I plan to read Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events next due to several recommendations.

That Internet guy never showed. We’re going to ask Elio to call again tomorrow. I’ll just have to wait to post this. Oh well. I’m sure I will have dozens of comments worrying about what has happened and where my great works of writing have been for the past two days. I just hope it won’t be 3 days.

Tomorrow we’re going to a fishing village named Barra De Potosí. That should be interesting.

Adam starts to open his mouth to speak, but his IBC (Inner Book Critic) pops out of his mouth. The IBC says he doesn't think Ben should read A Series Of Unfortunate Events because it is utterly gloomy in a depressingly repetitive way, and because the IBC didn't like it enough to read past the first three books. The IBC goes on to reccomend The Foundation Trilogy, Any Timothy Zahn book (especially The Icarus Hunt), the parts of the Young Wizard series you haven't read yet, any Douglas Adams book, Inkheart, and Abarat, before Adam manages to shut the IBC up.
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